Country Chicken, Globalization and Discourse

I shared research on young women college students in Tamil Nadu and their views on global and local food systems at the Transecting Healthy and Sustainable Food in the Asia-Pacific Workshop, at Yale-National University of Singapore, in August 2018.

Country Chicken, Globalization and Discourse
Young Tamil Women’s Cultural Critique

I shared research on young women college students in Tamil Nadu and their views on global and local food systems at the Transecting Healthy and Sustainable Food in the Asia-Pacific Workshop, at Yale-National University of Singapore, in August 2018.


Chera, Madeline. 2018. “Country Chicken, Globalization and Discourse: Young Tamil Women’s Cultural Critique." Paper presented at Transecting Healthy and Sustainable Food in the Asia-Pacific Workshop, Yale-National University of Singapore, Singapore, Aug. 2018.
